Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Spring is around the corner!! No, I haven't seen buds on the trees outside and there hasn't been evidence of nest building.

What I did see was out my back window and it was a sweet and welcome relief from the typical congestion at the local McDonald's. As many of my friends know, our home backs up to the parking lot of a longstanding softball store. They have been good neighbors to us and until this week we have paid little attention to them. But earlier in the week they began to build "something" in an extension of their parking lot. I am embarrassed to say how long it took me to realize it was a batting cage.
It was what I discovered today, though, that had me somewhat mesmerized and thinking Spring thoughts. Apparently, the cage was built in an effort to give private pitching and batting lessons to young players. :-) It was so cute, I surreptitiously took the following picture out of my breakfast room window. Was it hard to finish my Bible study and not just sit and watch these kids? Absolutely!

It did get me thinking of how much I enjoyed having boys and I decided to dig out pictures of their first ventures into team sports! Jeremy's was a coed t-ball team at the "Y". Of course, Jeremy would want coed sports! Just kidding! ;-) What we did discover was that Jeremy needed competitive sports and that was our only season at the "Y". Jeremy knew how to keep score and yes one team wins and one team loses! At that time you didn't really keep score when you played games at the "Y". (The girl next to Jeremy is Amy Forrester.)

Josh's first experience with team sports was soccer. He was in kindergarten and a friend from church called to say she had enrolled her son and would I be interested because they would be practicing at the elementary school. I thought sure until the first practice when all they did was run and Josh's face was blood red against his white hair! Tony was out of town and I called him and told him I thought Josh's heart was going to burst. Tony laughed at me and Josh's heart never burst.

It was their mother's heart that always came close to bursting out of pride for what they were always able to accomplish no matter the sport - soccer, baseball, football, volleyball, and softball! Oh, and I don't want to forget SAILING!

I had to include the pictures of the trophies. Dad has such strong feelings about them - all of which I concur heartily! He may be so moved by the sight of them he might have to comment!!!

Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your heart. Proverbs 27:19

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