Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Baby, Oh Baby...

I can't wait for Baby H to make his appearance and give a certain famous baby from 1928 a "run for it's money"!! In some respects it seems as though it was just yesterday that Jeremy and Meagan stopped by to give us the big news and I couldn't stop saying "Oh, my goodness!" I'm sure with all the changes Meagan has gone through the time has gone a little bit slower for her. But Easter or I should say Resurrection Sunday is quickly approaching and the thought that our arms will soon be full of sweet baby love is too exciting. Baby H is being prayed over daily and anticipated by grandparents who can't wait to "spare the rod, and spoil the child". Ha!

I have to confess that shopping for my grandson has helped to make the time go quicker. Though it always seems that there is more out there for girls, I have never had a problem finding something cute to buy for Baby H! The only thing he is missing out on is monogrammed clothing because his parents refuse to share his name until he's born! I'm sure that will be resolved shortly. ;-)

I have two things that I found that I thought were really cute. One was a soft little blue blanket trimmed with a fake cow hide materiel and on it was embroidered a cowboy boot and the words "Lil' Cow Pokie". (His room has a Texas theme!) The picture below was taken with my cell phone and is obviously not the best but we were at lunch and it was a sunny day!

One of my other favorite purchases was a little outfit that had a little vintage baseball on the front but it was what was on the bottom that sold me! On it's little rear was a large vintage baseball that I can just picture covering a little bottom with a big diaper. When I showed Tony the outfit, I laid it over his shoulder and said just imagine burping the baby and patting his little baby bottom through this baseball!!! OK, if you think I've been having some fun shopping - you're right!!!

Note: In an act of full disclosure I must admit that these are not my only purchases. Tony would want me to say these are just two of my latest! :-) I just happen to have taken these pictures and could share that boys have cute things too!!

I am so blessed to have two wonderful daughters-in-love and Meagan was so sweet to let me take this picture. On her right hand is the "Mommy" gift Jeremy had just given her for growing his baby! (His words not mine.) It is a beautiful ring she can wear now in light of the fact that her wedding rings don't fit because of swelling! Later they will have it taken up and it will be representative of a very special time in their lives.

Baby H we love you!

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:13-16

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