The lights on my Christmas tree remind me that Jesus is the Light of the World!
The cross ornaments on my tree are a beautiful reminder of the ultimate price sweet Baby Jesus would grow up and pay for my redemption. Oh, what incredible love displayed by our Father in the birth of Jesus and on that cross and what a privilege believers have to cry out, Abba Father!!

The red ornaments and beading on my Christmas tree reminds me of the reason Baby Jesus was born. The blood that one day He would shed on the cross for my sins!
The red ornaments and beading on my Christmas tree reminds me of the reason Baby Jesus was born. The blood that one day He would shed on the cross for my sins!
And the round ornaments remind me that God's love never ends!
The angels of my Christmas tree remind me of the angels that spoke to Mary and Joseph and told them they were going to be the earthly parents of Jesus! Additionally, an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds to share the incredible news of Jesus' birth. And of course, who could forget the heavenly host that filled the sky and broke out in glorious praise and proclamation.
The star on my Christmas tree reminds me of the star that led the wise men to Baby Jesus!
The gifts under my Christmas tree remind me that Jesus is God's gift to us! His love being the greatest gift anyone could ever receive. We in turn, show our love for others in our own gift giving.

There are other decorations on my Christmas tree and everyone of them point to Jesus. I encourage eveyone to take another look at their own tree and discover Jesus. He's there because He is the reason for the season!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
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