Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Greatest Generation...

and what I found to be true having lived in my father's house.

These men, many of them boys, had grown up through the Great Depression and went on to fight in World War One. They knew the meaning of sacrifice whether it was in material possession or in blood, sweat and tears. They took responsibility for themselves and had the initiative to set a goal and see the objective through to its completion. Honor, character, and love of country was the pillow they laid their heads on every night and loyalty to duty was the call of reveille they woke to every morning. They did not brag about their service nor did they whine - they had a job to do and they did it. They came home from the war and built our country into an economic powerhouse. As children of this generation, we were taught to live within our means and were given a powerful work ethic. They were not perfect but they were a cut above. They were not focused on self - they were focused on providing for their families the security they did not have growing up.

I am grateful for my Dad's service to this country. He fought at the Battle of the Bulge and I cannot imagine what he and so many others endured. But the greatest gift he gave me was having me in church every Sunday where I came to know my Lord and Savior. Of course, had many of these men not fought, died and ultimately won, I may never had had that opportunity.

Below is the note that was written on the back of Dad's picture. It was written to his mom while he was somewhere in Belgium in 1944. I'm sure many moms received many similar notes.

Remember to thank all of our service men and women! They deserve our support!

Happy Veterans Day!

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13

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